
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Saving Time

This makes spring official in my book so I'm glad it comes in March now, instead of April. I love the longer days and actual sunlight. It's so nice to wake up in daylight and have it still daylight when I leave my office. Now I just need to adjust my body's internal clock so I won't be late for work. So, happy spring!

If you haven't read Aubrey's blog today, don't miss it. It made me cry. This is not the political one she was upset about, but a very introspective, thoughtful and moving piece of work that shows her writing ability and who she is inside - something we don't often get to see in people we love.


  1. Hi Debbie. I just wanted to let you know I was here! It's Ashli (Greenwood) O'Connell in Missouri. My mom sent me your Christmas letter, which had your blog address. It was so fun to catch up on your family. Everyone looks wonderful. Please tell Jennifer (and everyone) hello! I have started my own blog at if you guys want to see what's going on with us. God bless! Ashli

  2. Hi Debbie. I just wanted to let you know I was here! My mom sent me your Christmas letter, and I got your blog url from that. It was so fun to see all your pictures and catch up on the news. Everyone looks wonderful! Please tell Jennifer (and everyone) hello. I have started my own blog at if you want to see what's going on with us. God bless, Ashli

  3. I didn't mean to make you cry! Just had too much to think about, had to get them out to get some sleep! ha. :)


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