
Monday, November 3, 2008

Some more commentary on Proposition 8

From Frank Schubert,
"Did you ever dream that because you believe marriage is between a man and a woman you’d be called "intolerant," "offensive" and have it suggested you are racist to boot?"
Read the rest here ~

And from Lowell Brown, L.A. Attorney (LDS) about parental rights,

"The response to these concerns from from Prop 8's leading opponents has been that Prop 8 has nothing to do with schools. Amazingly, even the State Superintendent of Public Education has filmed a television ad promoting this falsehood.
Think about it: If the State Supreme Court has defined marriage to include same-sex unions, and schools are required to teach about respect for "marriage and committed relationships," well, it seems pretty obvious that from kindergarten on, kids will be learning about same-sex marriage, doesn't it?
But it gets worse. The other response from the No On 8 group has been that parents can simply "opt out" of instruction about gay marriage. This is another deception. The same people who make that claim have argued forcefully that no opt-out rights exist, as long as the instruction is part of "diversity education" encompassing gender orientation. They've even made their case in court."
Read here ~

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