
Monday, November 30, 2009

Chocolate Heals - I knew it!

Eating Dark Chocolate May Lower Stress Hormones, Researchers Say
By Jennifer Warner ~WebMD Health News

WebMD ~ so it must be true :)
Nov. 13, 2009 -- Those stress-induced chocolate cravings may be justified after all. A new study shows that eating dark chocolate may lower levels of stress hormones in people feeling stressed out.

Researchers found that eating the equivalent of one average-sized dark chocolate candy bar (1.4 ounces) each day for two weeks reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol as well as the “fight-or-flight” hormones known as catecholamines in highly stressed people.

The findings add to a growing number of recently discovered potential health benefits of dark chocolate. For example, cocoa has been found to be rich in a class of antioxidants called flavonoids, which have been linked to a number of health benefits.

Researchers are also investigating other compounds in dark chocolate that may offer other health benefits, such as improved insulin sensitivity, reduced blood pressure, and improved mood.

My favorite darks: Lindor Truffles by Lindt, Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds

1 comment:

  1. So if I eat 10 dark chocolate candybars today, will my stress level tomorrow be 1/10 what it is right now?


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