
Monday, January 4, 2010

Make your own spare key and other innovations

If you don't have a Triple A membership that offers those plastic spare keys for your wallet, here's instructions for making your own. You only need an empty soda bottle (plastic), an exacto knife, small paper for pattern, your master key, scissors and a glue stick! Click the post title to be taken to this Instructable page.

I love innovation wherever it is. Here is an article about a doctor who's being innovative with health care here in SLC. I like it!


  1. Keep in mind most new cars use smart keys. These keys have a chip inside of them. When you use a key that doesn't have one in it it will go into lockout mode and then no key will start it. This happens all the time when the uneducated Walmart key guy or (whoever happens to be behind the counter at that moment) cuts you a key without the chip in it. You go out to start you car with it only to cost yourself a lot of headache and money. the smart keys usually start at around $100 and can go as high as $700. They also require you to have the code programed into the computer to accept them.

  2. Maybe this is best to use for the spare house key rather than car key. It wouldn't be worth it to mess up the car lock. How old does the car need to be to not have the smart key?

  3. It really just depends on the car. Your car doesn't have the smart key.


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