
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drama? Duh... was K in town?

After a tearful goodbye with Liz begging me not to let K take her away, and pleading with her mother, "PLEASE let me stay here" the histrionics continued.

I should back up. On Christmas day night, K brought the girls, driven by the evil friend from last year (the devil herself) because she refused to let Jon get them at the airport. We invited K to join us if she wanted the next day for gift opening, explaining that we were doing it the day after Christmas since we were waiting for the girls to arrive. We tried kindness toward K and we had a stack of gifts for her. She said, "I'll let you know" (she had to consult with her "coach"). We told her it would be around 10:00 and would not be getting up early since we were up late. She assured us she would not either.

However, at 7:30 she called Jon and woke him and Liz to say she would not be coming. Jon was disappointed, thinking we could try to show her this could be civilized but she said she didn't feel safe here. Not sure what she thought we were going to do to her in the midst of opening Christmas gifts with the family, but I'm sure "A" convinced her just as she had done a number of other times in the past. This was the same one who convinced her she had lyme disease, that Jon was abusive and narcissistic and she was not safe with him - the suicide attempt and the hospitalization followed by her month in N.D. with her sister for "recovery" and time to think. She also insisted Jon go with her to New York for Christmas even though she supposedly wanted separation. She later admitted to us that "A" had been feeding her lines and coaching her; telling her what to say. But, that's another story.

So, when Jon hung up on her after being frustrated that she would listen to "A" again she called me (at 8:00 AM) and woke me up. She spent 45 minutes on the phone with me ("I'm calling you because Jon hung up on me. I need to get my things"). I told her I was still asleep and this was the same as Christmas morning to us; she was taking away our time. Krista was coming at 10:00 to make omelets for everyone. I said I would do what I could to help her find whatever "things" she was looking for and assured her I had no interest in storing anything that didn't belong to me in my garage. I finally just had to insist she save it for later because Liz had come in to show me what was in her stocking. So, she managed to steal more of Jon's time with the girls....

On Sunday night she called Jon in the middle of dinner and interrupted our time again. She wanted to arrange a time to get her things. She said she would come in the morning (Monday) before noon. We're assuming she wants things in a box in the garage and we would just need to find it somewhere amid the mess of other people's belongings - since Jenn and Fred were currently in the process of moving too.

She showed up with her two "henchmen" - "A" and another "a" at 12:45 just as Jon was about to leave the house to take the girls to McDonald's for lunch. He tried to be cordial anyway and allowed "A" in the house - big mistake! She verbally abused and berated him in front of the girls and swore at him. She told K, "I told you he would do this" (coaching again). They looked for things in the garage and it turned out she wanted to claim all their joint belongings. Jon said that hadn't been decided yet. She also wanted him to stop everything he had planned, go to the storage unit and get the things she left here (because they wouldn't be needed in S.C. and they would eventually return to Utah). They are stored up high, a ladder and lots of time would be involved to get them. I told Jon he did not need to give up more of his limited six day visit time with the girls to satisfy her selfish desires. "A" had convinced her that they "knew what he would do next - destroy her things." He assured her we do not want her things and that we would be happy to get them another time; just not in the middle of his time with the girls. I told her not to waste any more of his time here and to come back with a court order if she wanted to.

Fast forward to New Year's Eve. Liz had been praying to be able to stay here with Jon. At one point she said, "Mommy can go back to South Carolina and be with her lawyer" (what's that all about?) and in her prayer she said, "Please bless mommy to travel home safely." She insisted all along she wanted to stay here "forever". So, Jon tried to talk to K about it. Of course it did not go well. New Year's day Jon overslept so they weren't "ready" at 7:00 as she requested. "A" and her husband were the escorts/body guards again. We scrambled to gather everything up and when Jon brought Liz upstairs she started crying hysterically and begging to stay. It was the most heartbreaking thing you can imagine. And I could do nothing.

Later that night a nurse called from a hospital in Kansas City (conveniently the layover where K has another cousin) to tell Jon that she was there because of contractions but was fine; not in labor and the kids were in good care. K left a voice mail on my phone saying in a very cheerful voice, "just letting you know.... luckily I have a very nice flight attendant here at my bedside and a cousin here who is helping with the girls...don't need to do anything but if you want information you can call my parents." She sounded like she was in the height of her glory, the center of attention and had even managed to get her own private flight attendant.

No doubt the flight was stressful (we begged her not to go back that day and offered to pay the difference for a delayed flight). The girls did not want to go and she had two layovers. But, it's not Jon's fault - she and her accomplices made the arrangements. Of course his immediate comment was, "somehow this will be MY fault."

Sure enough - by Friday night her uncle (the one who threw Jon out of the house), her cousin (the S.C. sidekick - his daughter) and another daughter had each called our bishop AND stake president to complain of what a rotten person Jon was to cause her to not make it home.

Is this just too unbelievable for words? I have no doubt she orchestrated this from the beginning. In fact, if we were betting people we would have had money on the fact that she would do this. Prior to her leaving S.C. she told Jon she had purchased some kind of special insurance on the flight "because of the pregnancy" and one of the reasons she couldn't go back later was because the insurance would run out before she would get back. Interesting that she wanted to be sure she was covered in case of an "emergency" then she ended up in the hospital in Kansas City with cousins coming to her rescue again - even though it was NOT labor. Now she has something she can blame on Jon... and now she has brought in all the troops to badmouth him. Unbelievable!


  1. All I can do is echo Michelle's comment. Unbelievable.

  2. I have the most awful feeling whenever I think about how blissful the girls were here with Jon and how Liz begged over and over through the week (I heard her myself several times) to stay here forever and let their mom go back to South Carolina. And you didn't even write about the things Liz told us that Karla had told her that weren't true! How can she be so selfish and keep those beautiful girls from their adoring father? And how can she continue to disparage Jon the way she does? No matter how hard I try, I just cannot understand it.

  3. Thanks Mom. You summed it up rather well. Just a few minor details I would add:

    * The drama when she came to get her stuff from the garage, and "A"'s tirade, came AFTER Karla, er, K opened all of the presents we had all given her. She barely acknowledged them, but had "A" take them out to the car, then proceeded to try to claim jointly owned marital property which will not be divided/distributed until the divorce is finalized. K argued that she needed these things to feed my children. Well what have they been doing for the last 5 months?

    * Karla told Liz that they can't come back here because Liz is in school, and school is too expensive in Utah. Hello?!?! We're going to be paying more than a college degree just for the cost of this visitation schedule! Just incredible. I told Liz that we can pay for school here. Liz tried to tell that to K as they were about to leave, and K insisted that there was no way to afford it. I said, "Yes we can, Karla, don't lie to her. Tell her the truth. You aren't staying here because you don't want to." She refused to answer that, saying, "I'm not going to engage you." No, you're just going to dodge the most important issue in this entire debacle.

    There's more, but those were fairly telling of her attitude about the whole thing. It's all about K and what she wants and what will make her comfortable, at the expense of EVERYONE else, especially Liz & Madi.

    Oh, and I just can't get over this one: She had me removed from the shared home, then filed for a restraining order to prevent me from returning, then claimed that I abandoned her, then told her family and friends that I'm the worst person in the world and can't be trusted with my own children (who actually prefer me). It's just unbelievable.

    - Jon


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