
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

In true atheistic style - how low can you go?

Opposing Views
American Atheists Incorporated (AAI) has begun a billboard campaign in Charlotte, North Carolina, site of the Democratic National Convention, attacking the religious faiths of President Obama and Mitt Romney, reports Fox News (video below).
One billboard says: "Christianity: Sadistic God, Useless Savior," while the other states: "Mormonism: Magic Underwear, Baptizes Dead People, Big Money, Big Bigotry."
The anti-Mormon billboard was originally planned for Tampa, Florida, site of the Republican National Convention. However, billboard companies in Tampa, Florida won't put up the ad.
Amanda Knief, managing director for AAI, told Fox News: "We chose Christianity and Mormonism for these billboards because those are the religious faiths of the two presumed candidates for president."
"The president of the United States is in a position to make life-changing decisions for all Americans. We believe it is perfectly reasonable to ask whether each candidate will choose to follow his religious faith or the U.S. Constitution when making those decisions."

Kevin Madrzykowski, of Adams Outdoor Advertising which rented the billboard to AAI, said in a statement:  "The upcoming Democratic National Convention will bring to Charlotte people of varying viewpoints and a diversity of opinion. The ability to express one's opinion is a right and a privilege at the core of a democratic society."

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