
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sick again!

This is no fun!  Strep test (rapid) was negative but I've only once had a throat this sore - when I had strep. I don't know if they sent it for culture - the EMT seemed surprised that I expected it.  But, we know the rapid test is not as accurate and last time the kids here got it, the rapid was negative but grew strep so I'm pretty leery.  I probably sounded like a hypochondriac.  I've just had a rough year, lots of stress and more illnesses than usual.  The doc thinks it's because I live with these children who bring home everything, like the first year teacher syndrome. I'm pumping vitamins, resting, drinking fluids and doing everything I should.  What a waste of a weekend.  Besides missing one day of work (feeling cruddy the day before), now I've missed my two days off.  Tomorrow's Sunday - praying I will be well by then.  Right now it hurts to talk, swallow and just exist, but I'm TIRED of lying around in bed, dreaming of pudding.


  1. Sorry to hear you are sick. Liz has strept(raging positive test) with vomiting, rash, diarrhea etc. So we know what you are going through. We hope to be able to talk to you on skype tonight for Jon's birthday. Feel better soon.

  2. ugh. I hope you don't have Swine Flu! I had swine flu over a year ago when lots of my patients had it...and the very worst part was the sore throat. I had no clue what was wrong w/me because the strep tests kept coming back negative....
    hope that's not what it is.


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