
Monday, August 27, 2012

LDS men and women equal in religiosity

Apparently in most faiths, keeping the men coming is a challenge.  Not so with Mormons, study concludes.  Reported by Joseph Walker in the DesNews, LDS women, men are "very close" in religious observance.

"From a sociological perspective, the priesthood system works," said Dr. David C. Campbell, a professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame. "It appears to motivate Mormon men to a level of religiosity that is equivalent to Mormon women."
And that, Campbell said, is news.
"Sociological research consistently shows that American women are more religious than American men by almost any standard that you can measure," Campbell told an audience of about 300 people — mostly women — attending a conference called "Women and the LDS Church: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" in the Fort Douglas Officer's Club Theater Saturday afternoon. "But our research shows that LDS men and women are very close to each other in terms of religiosity."

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