
Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Day of 2007

The world recently lost another great singer, Dan Fogleberg (August 13, 1951 -- December 16, 2007). He was 4 months older than me and died the day after my birthday. This is my favorite song of his and I always think about it on New Year's Eve. I like this version because it shows the words and the words are magic. If you want to hear this you may need to pause the automatic song in the right sidebar.

Another version here, done live in concert. I prefer the original recording, but this one shows the actual performance.

The end of 2007. It's been an eventful and different year. It is also Ken's birthday. Tonight I went to a dance with my friend, Barbara. The dance was not fun and we got our money back. All very loud, disco-style with no slow songs or even easy-listening. I guess I'm getting old! So we looked for something else to do but by then it was too late for a movie, nothing happening at the Gateway or Trolley Square, no sign of "First Night" like they supposedly have someplace. Very cold weather too. So, after not finding anything else to do, we decided to go to my house where some of my kids/grandkids were playing games. I envisioned us dropping into the party and joining it. Instead, it turned out my coming home early just caused Jenn great stress. Apparently they only see me as the wicked witch and thought it would freak me out to come into the mess. I knew it was a mess when I told Barbara she could come! Anyway, they immediately went into mad-paced cleaning up mode. We definitely crashed the party so Barbara just turned around and went back home to Riverton. I saw 2008 come in while driving on the freeway with Aubrey to pick up her husband in Farmington. I guess this will be a memorable New Years anyway.

Well, Happy New Year! May peace and prosperity find us (finally).

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