
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter Solstice & Christmas Letter - Ninth Day of Christmas

Winter WonderlandJosh was excited to play in the snow. Noah is working on the fort in the background.
Emma too!
Noah, Emma and Josh.


Yay! The days start getting longer now. The Christmas lights help me to deal with so much darkness but nothing feels better than more sunlight. OK, so it will take a while to actually notice, but at least I know it is going that direction now!

I've enjoyed receiving Christmas letters from friends. Right now, I'm late getting anything out. I may or may not manage snail mail this year. Maybe just send a brief note saying, "go to my blog if you want to know what's happening in my life." Of course that would make mine the world's longest Christmas letter! So I will give a summary here and direct people to it, then they can read the summary without being bogged down in the blog.

I entered this new phase of my life - single. Ken and I separated on March 2 and divorced May 30. We remain friends and I am enjoying seeing him as he is now - "new and improved." I am also dating Steve and we were actually engaged but have postponed things while I sort out my life. I have great kids and darling, smart grandchildren. I still work for the Department of Health and I've danced more this summer than in my entire previous life! After just over two years as Relief Society president, I was recently released from that calling and anxiously await what is in store for me next. My Bishop says I probably have my hands full right now and it's true so I'm enjoying this break.

Chris had an adventurous year. He and Rob were in partnership but they decided they really aren't good together as a team so they split the business - Rob does the cabinet-making and Chris was preparing to do the door operation. After investing in lots of equipment, Chris found a good programming job at DAZ where they do 3D animation. They decided they needed to pay the bills so he is now selling his equipment and abandoning that particular goal. Kiyomi and the kids spent another summer in Japan which meant two trips for Chris (he goes and spends a week to help transport the family each way). The kids are doing great with both their schoolwork here and their Japanese studies. They attend school in Japan in the summer, traditional calendar here so they literally have year-round school with only the Christmas break here and August break in Japan. Jordan is 11, Julia 7, Jasmine 5, Jaelyn 2. Kiyomi most enjoys cooking and being a stay-at-home-mom and they live just 3 blocks away.

Jennifer and Fred are still living with me. Fred graduated from the U in May and in August he got a four month contract job offer in Carlsbad, California. They saw this as a unique opportunity to spend some time as a family in southern California. Since they weren't tied to a mortgage payment, they decided to do it and moved into a furnished vacation condo on the beach in Oceanside. They bought a Toyota station wagon, loaded it up with essentials and headed west. They enjoyed the beach, the kids swam regularly, they had season passes to Disneyland and Sea World, and were able to do some home schooling in a unique place, learning about sea life, ships, attended the body exhibit, etc. In November Jenn reluctantly flew home with the kids to get them into school here. Fred finished his contract and returned on Dec. 16. He is looking for another job presently. Adam will be 11 in January, Noah is 9, (they both attend Spectrum Academy Charter School), and Emma is 5 (kindergarten at Bountiful elementary). They are very bright kids but in many ways a real challenge for their parents. Jennifer spent a bit of time doing "reborning" - she has created some very realistic "babies" - some she has given and others are here in her nursery. She is a very busy stay-at-home mom.

Justin and Krista have been busy working on their home in Herriman. Krista has painted almost every room and they are ready to begin on their basement. She still works at Intermountain Electric and they have told her they couldn't manage without her! After she was offered another job, they literally cried and lured her back. She also recently took a night school course in business. Justin also remains in great demand as an automotive tech at Precision Automotive in Midvale. The family appreciates having him to call on for all their car questions and crises. Kenlee is 9, a good student and she shares Justin's love of animals. They have a cat and many fish in numerous tanks around their home. One of their favorite outings is to visit a pet shop.

Natalie and Rob recently remodeled a 50s era bathroom in their Bountiful home. They ripped out tons of old tile and did a fantastic job. Rob works day and night at the cabinet business. He has plenty of work but it's hard to manage alone. Natalie wishes she could see him more often. She keeps busy though with their three children and Gage (the two year old she babysits) besides her weekly cleaning jobs. They have also recently completed the classes to become certified as foster parents. They are on the waiting list for the home inspection. This is clearly a job they do for love of children because with all the hassle involved in becoming licensed, the money required to bring things up to regulation and the little compensation, there would be no other reason to do it. Even with her business degree she doesn't think it is worth it to work outside the home so she works like crazy to be able to stay home! Ashlie is 9, Olivia 7 (both learning to play the piano their great grandmother, my mom, learned on). Alex is an adorable 4 year old terror.

Jon and Karla have struggled this year too but right now things are looking up. His photography business keeps him busy but doesn't pay the bills and he had a few months' unemployment before recently getting a new position in Kaysville. Karla also works as a nanny for a little boy in Kaysville but she has mostly been busy with Elizabeth (2 1/2) and the new baby due the end of January. After several pregnancy losses, it is exciting that she is doing so well in spite of several trips to the hospital for preterm labor. So far so good. It's another girl but they're not revealing the name - seems they think the Millers have too many opinions and they don't mind sharing - imagine that! They live just a block away so we get to see them frequently. Liz talks like a 4 year old and entertains us with her cheerful and inquisitive nature.

Aubrey and Steve are still stationed at Ft. Riley Kansas. None of us love Kansas but it sure beats Iraq. We're glad to have them home for Christmas and we have a full house. They also brought their beagle, Doc. That has been a little difficult because we have so many family members with pet allergies! The dog is sweet but we just can't enjoy him because of everyone's asthma, eczema, etc. It was good they brought him though because of the ice storm at their home. Their neighbors were without power and water for days. Josh will be 5 in January and Asher is 2. They are darling, well-behaved boys who are delightful to have around. Steve enjoys his job but they look forward to him finishing his commitment and coming home for good, we hope. Aubrey sells PartyLight products in her spare time and maintains a fun blog ( She is also a SAHM.

Feel free to email me at I post pictures regularly and still hope to get a family photo this year since everyone is here but as you can imagine, it's hard to coordinate so many people to cooperate in such a venture. We'll see how it goes!

I wish all my friends and family a very Merry Christmas, with the Savior as the focus, and the best of years in 2008!

Much love,

We saw the luminarias at the cemetery. This video shows what it looks like but it is actually from another place and time. In my Christmas rush I forgot my camera! Kind of hard to see due to lighting and there's nothing like seeing it in person. So, if you missed it, next year, same time and place (Saturday before Christmas).

1 comment:

  1. Nice Christmas letter, Mom! You always do a nice job compacting a lot of information into a tiny space.


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