
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Special Stuff

After being closed to public access for the past six years while it was retrofitted, repaired and remodeled for safety purposes (we do live on a fault here) the Utah State Capital restoration is completed and Steve and I toured it on Thursday. Color is not good in some of these photos from my camera phone. But it was truly beautiful and elegant.


The Gold Room, where the Governor entertains visiting dignitaries.

Marble staircase

The lounge for the Senate. This area is off-limits to public, except at this open house.
Newly remodeled Senate Chambers
Not good photos. Forgot the camera so these are from my phone.

Professional photos I downloaded.
The Gold Room is where dignitaries meet with the Governor - like the President of the U.S. The room cost $76,000 to do new (even that was a lot) and now it is valued at $2.5 millionThe Governor's Office - the new one is even better.The Rotunda

This building is truly amazing. The cost to repair was tremendous and it took six years to do it but it was an important renovation of a historical landmark. Today's the last day of the public open house. If you can possibly do it, I highly recommend that you not miss this one.

On a lighter note -
Last night Ken and I saw Dan in Real Life - it's at the dollar theaters now so if you want to see it on the big screen you'll have to hurry! I really liked it.

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