So, I went with Aubrey, Karla and Aubrey's friend, Natalie to see Twilight. The rule is you have to read the book first so we didn't invite Jenn & Nat to come. Aubrey was getting really worried that I was never going to get there. This was her third time already. Except for the teeny-bopper swooner/hecklers in the theater we really enjoyed it. For condensing a book into a feature-length film, they did a pretty good job. I especially liked the casting.
After we hurried home to check on Asher who had earlier been hit in the mouth by a swing, we realized we missed the Kodak moment, so no photoshoots here today.
But, for those who worried that I was delaying this latest crazy obsession, rest assured I will sleep better tonight!
Thanks for coming Mom! It was fun!!!