Betty and some of us kids are admiring the newest Madsen baby (Gary, I think). I'm the braided girl on top, Carolyn below, Kevin is by Betty and Wendy is the toddler in the foreground.

Wendy, Me, (Who is the redheaded boy?), Craig and Kevin.

I'm in the green jumper in the middle of Kathy's birthday party group. I know only a couple of her friends - Susan (second from left) and Shauna (second from right in red/white). Kathy is in the middle with the glasses.

Must be the party again. I'm in the center, front row, with Carolyn on the right below Kathy.

Me and Carolyn at Grandma's house. This looks like another Easter picture. Grandma always made our clothes so we were well dressed in spite of being broke most of the time. She would sew beautiful clothes for all us girls (my immediate family and cousin, Kathy). We ALWAYS had our hair braided these years (from the time it got long until I was going into fourth grade when we had it cut short). It was easier for my mom to do and she liked us to always look neat. I got in trouble once for coming home from school with one of my braids undone. She didn't buy my story that it accidentally came undone. She was ticked!

The rest of the gang that easter at Grandma's house. Cindy, Me with Gary, Carolyn, Craig, and Wendy.

A younger Easter shot here but look at the cute matching dresses. Grandma often found matching fabrics, perhaps in different colors. (This was before the long hair). I'm on the left. Gotta love Grandma's wallpaper. I well remember this room.

In the front left with a dress I remember well and loved a lot (of course another of Grandma's creations)

Grandma sewed our Halloween costumes too. Carolyn and I were witches this year. Looks like I must be showing off a lost tooth.

I'm next to Kathy, the gypsy, here.

Another earlier Easter (I'm on the left). I'm pretty sure this is our house on Oakland Avenue (tiny, two-bedroom with no basement we had until we moved after the fifth child was born. I seem to remember a dog named, Rusty, that was hit by a car when we lived here. Maybe that's the dog on the porch?

I remember these clothes too - Kathy, Carolyn and I have matching outfits (I'm wearing a hat). This is in Kathy's unfinished basement. Most likely another birthday party.

Again. I'm on the left front.

Another birthday for Kathy. I'm on her left (top right here). Notice how everyone got dressed up for birthday parties.

Another Easter. This must be about the time the braids began. Notice the cute, matching dresses, courtesy Grandma J. At that time we just called her Grandma - years later the J stuck (for Johnson) to keep the Grandmas straight. We were always complimented on our nice clothes.

Hard to tell Carolyn and I apart but I think I'm the one on the right. You can almost see my hyperextended elbow in this one. Notice the clothes drying on the line. Now that's a memory.

Dressed up for Easter - Craig, me, Carolyn, Cindy. Grandma's creations I'm sure. We dressed up even when we didn't attend Church. It was Easter tradition. At this time, Carolyn and I occassionally went to a protestant Church with Betty, Wayne and our cousins.

I'll add some pictures of me as I got older later. The younger ones definitely look better!
You were so dang cute! Nice to have these photos so easily accessible now.