Jon got back from NYC early Sunday morning after almost a 2 hour delay getting out. Aubrey also got delayed 3 hours getting out of SLC on her way to Kansas so she ended up staying one night in Phoenix. We're hoping for better weather when they head back.
Jon was disappointed in the cold spell they got there and the head cold he got besides which kept them from Times' Square on New Year's Eve. But, at least they got to be with the Stephenson family for Christmas. Karla made it to her sister's wedding and now she (Amanda) and her new husband are back in Rexburg to continue their education at BYU Idaho. Jon picked them up at the airport last night, then drove 4 hours to take them there. It took over six hours to get home today because it was so treacherous. Bad accidents, he slid all over, used a gallon of wiper fluid, very ugly! But, we're glad he was able to help them out and he made it back in one piece.
We expect Aubrey and Steve on Saturday, so pray for clear skies.
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