
Sunday, March 22, 2009

We partied!

34 for dinner to celebrate birthdays for the Japan kids, Rob and Jon. Adam was also ordained a Deacon today - Jordan is also a Deacon, but he was ordained in Japan. Here's "Papa" with Jordan - we did remember the chopstix. He has never been out of Japan, never been on a plane but he's very easygoing and didn't seem to have any trouble with the crowd.
Jon and Steve O.
Krista, Justin, Karla, Ken (and Nat's hair)
Aubrey and Karla talking Partylight
Jon, Madi and Chris (he has adjusted to keyboarding without full use of one hand)
Sam (Fred's nephew) and Peggy (Fred's sister) with Fred, Rob and Ashlie. Fred barbecued steaks, burgers and hot-dogs for the crew.
Some of the crew
More of the crew
Just hangin'
The kids took over the family room.

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