
Monday, May 4, 2009

Congratulations Tara!

Here is my wonderful niece with her brother, Bret, and her honor cords at the USU graduation ceremony. She received her BS in Nutrition and Food Sciences with an emphasis on diatetics. She has also been actively involved in third-world country projects. (I stole the picture from her proud mom and my sister, Cindy's Facebook album). Congratulations!


  1. Yeah Tara!! I think the emphasis is dietetics though...not diabetes :)

  2. Thanks Debbie for the blog on Tara, and yes the emphasis is on Diatetics, but I'm sure she'll be dealing alot with diabetes.
    Proud Mom, Cindy

  3. Sorry, I fixed it now. Must have been because I spent all day Friday in a conference on diabetes - had it on the brain. But, yes, this will be a big part of her work I'm sure.


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