
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wouldn't you know it?

The new secretary got fired today. She's missed so much work in just this one month that we see a pattern here and had to cut our losses. Basically her life is kind of a train wreck and, though qualified, it's just too complicated for her to hold a job too. It's very sad because she has goood skills. But, if you can't depend on her, what good are her qualifications?

So, a little more drama to my life.

The economy is really getting to me. It has affected my kids so negatively! I feel extremely blessed to have a good job, a house in a great neighborhood, super kids, good friends, the chance to enjoy good entertainment at times, go dancing and play with the greatest grandkids in the world. Life's pretty sweet for me in spite of it. I just worry a lot about things that are happening around me.

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