
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Righteous Anger

Click the post title to read an interesting article about anger and how it can be appropriate. Like adrenalin, it can propel one to action or promote change for the better. Being angry all the time and expressing anger inappropriately, such as with rage and lashing out at the innocent is not the same thing. I believe that "right" must be defended and in our country's history, many have died for just causes and anger had to be part of the motivation to do it. Taxation without representation led to the Boston Tea Party revolt and the Revolutionary War. Thanks to that righteous anger and many lost lives, we live in America where we can express our beliefs, protest what we don't like (out of anger) without fear of being beheaded at the King's whim. You won't fight for something you don't get angry about, when fighting is necessary.

Since it's a DesNews article, it will not be available forever so if this link gets broken, you'll know why.

There are times that call for unity, diplomacy, conciliation and peacemaking in the church and in public life. But there are also times when leaders must feel outraged about corruption and injustice. There are times when anger must be allowed to fuel actions that defend virtue.

"There are evils in this world that we can do something about and we should get angry about them," he said. "In any battle, it's hard to act in an effective manner without a kind of appropriate anger that energizes your actions. Without that anger, innocent people will suffer and evil will win the day."

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