
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Weekend Getaway

This is such a nice site on the way to Park City. (It's St. Mary's Catholic Church). I love the very "Park City style" and the way it is framed by the mountains. I also love that about so many of our Temples, nestled in nature, against the mountains, trees and blue skies.

We took a morning hike.
With so much to do it was hard to break away, but definitely worth it!
Getting out into nature and away from the computer can definitely help with perspective and priority. I forget to take care of myself sometimes.

We celebrated Steve's birthday and checked out an abandoned mine - reminiscent of the old Park City mining town.
When I got home, Jenn, Fred and Emma had been cleaning the fridge! What a nice surprise. Adam also pulled out a bunch of old paint cans so I could get it to the hazardous waste disposal that was offered free on Saturday. Then they went on to clean the family room. Dejunking is always a good feeling and it's so hard for me to get time to clean properly. The lawnmower went on the blink so I didn't get to mow. Good thing winter's almost here and the mowing chore can be delayed without too much damage.

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