I don't go shopping on Black Friday - even though there are some great deals. I do love shopping online and there are deals to be found here too.
Gotta love these cool electronics. We live in such a great time when these things are abundant and almost affordable!
Netgear Wireless Router $34.99 & shipping deals too! I love having this so we can roam with laptops in my house.

$16.95 8 GB Kingston Data Traveler Flash Drive at buy.com
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Digital Blue Girl Caribeener VGA Camera Buy.com has it for $9.99 and it may be eligible for free shipping (limit 5)
Disney 512MB Mix Stick MP3/WMV Player This was a good deal at $9.99; Now
Buy.com has it for $7.99 (limit 5 and may qualify for free shipping)
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