New resource - Combating Pornography - Replacing darkness with light
Pornography is a real evil because it degrades the senses, destroys self-worth and family relationships, leads to addiction, and separates an individual from God. There is hope if you, or a loved one, struggle with addiction. check it out.
This is where I share RANDOM rants and ruminations, beliefs, lists, dreams, goals, frustrations, bargains, and social injustices (EVAGATION, n. the act of wandering; excursion; a roving or rambling). More about me than you wanted to know. You may not agree with me but I hope you share my belief that what makes America great is freedom to have and express differing views. Enjoy peeking into my public journal if you want to know that part of me I share here. Enjoy!
There is ample research that proves that pornography changes the pathways in the brain in a negative way. I'll try to find one to site, but I like to point out that it is not merely a religious stance that it is morally wrong, but it is also scientifically proven to be damaging.