With my dad in ICU for serious infection and complications of pancreatitis, we are remembering pioneers today. On my dad's side of the family we have several pioneer ancestors. I came upon a site written about William Fowler, author of We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. Click here to read more about this man.
When we went to the Manti pageant this year as a family, we were able to see his grave marker, along with that of his wife. He has a large monument erected later by the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. I read here about the unveiling and that family members were not present. It's too bad most of the family probably did not know about it. Thanks to the internet, it's easier now to find people. We enjoyed checking out the cemetery and remembering our ancestors this year.
We are praying that my dad can completely recover from this illness. We know it is critical at this point and in the Lord's hands.
Below is the marker placed by the DUP in the Manti Cemetery. He died at the very young age of 35! The small marker on the left is his wife, Ellen Bradshaw Fower (Bench) who is my direct ancestor by blood; William Fowler by sealing (her first husband). She died young as well. Those were hard times and no ICUs. Still, there is a limit to what man can do.
This is where I share RANDOM rants and ruminations, beliefs, lists, dreams, goals, frustrations, bargains, and social injustices (EVAGATION, n. the act of wandering; excursion; a roving or rambling). More about me than you wanted to know. You may not agree with me but I hope you share my belief that what makes America great is freedom to have and express differing views. Enjoy peeking into my public journal if you want to know that part of me I share here. Enjoy!
Very nice! I love the poster of Grandpa Madsen! Just for the sake of clarification for anyone who might care: William Fowler and Ellen Bradshaw are related to us on the same line as Grandpa Madsen. Grandpa Madsen's mother was Clara Vivian Bench, whose father was William Enos Bench, who was Ellen Bradshaw's 2nd husband.