
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve Party

Grandma and Sheila (Todd had to stay home because he was so sick)
Karyn, Spencer, Sara, Kevin
Jason and Laura
Sharon and Rob
Aubrey, Max and Ken
Krista and Justin
Plenty of food

The boys - Avery, Asher, Adam, Josh, Alex (all A names except Josh - no wonder I get tongue tied and confused).
Krista and Kenlee, Olivia, Emma and others in the back
Nat and Jon
Max and I
Aubrey, Max, Josh, Steve
Noah is hard to catch on camera
Max loved the ball
Grandpa and Josh; Olivia and Jon
Gifts all around - Olivia thanking grandma - what good manners!
Asher and his mom, Aubrey
There were other family members in attendance but they don't want to be in photo here (even if this is a chronicle of our lives).  Those we missed seeing because of distance included Spencer and Karyn's son, Jon's children, Chris, Kiyomi and children, Nicole and, Tim, Amy and son, Davis family.  Of course Todd was missing because of illness.  I think that's it... 

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