
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jon is 27 on the 27th

Happy Birthday to my son! Jon was a child who was delightful, gave me no grief and didn't feel any need to rebel. What a delight! Children are truly a joy and mine are jewels in my crown as promised in my Patriarchal Blessing.

Today also felt like the first taste of spring. I am so excited. I actually went for a walk outside today. I've mostly hibernated this winter - such a heavy snow year. I'm more than ready for things to get green again.


  1. WOW. I hope I get a good birthday blog post. Chris and Jon sure got some good praise!!

  2. I always get in trouble with my kids because it never seems to be fair and equal. It often depends on what hits me at the moment I'm writing the blog... Well, it keeps them guessing about who is the "favorite" I guess. As if!

  3. Thanks! I don't make it to read your blog often enough. It occurs to me that I should subscribe to it like I do all of my business related blogs.

    Anyway, thanks for remembering my birthday and thanks for the gift! I'm really enjoying it and it will make a big difference to my business.

    - Jon


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