Our economy has definitely taken a toll on our family. On Tuesday Fred's job was eliminated along with several others from his company. In the last month, he and Jenn made offers on three homes - none worked out. They were pretty frustrated but also wondering if God was actually protecting them, not knowing what was to come with the economy so shaky. They knew it was always possible since the ripple effect has hit every field. Well, it looks like that was the case because they were just about to send in another offer on a house - would have been the day after he got the word. The ironic thing is that part of the economic stimulus plan they're working on today is to give a larger tax credit for home buyers - but without a job, who can buy a house? So, here we are....
Chris will start teaching English when the new school year starts (in Japan that is April). Hopefully this will help him make the payments on their unsold home here while helping with utilities and expenses in Japan (they are also hard hit and Kiyomi's dad has voluntarily taken a huge pay cut, now making about a third what he did before, so he can keep his employees on the payroll). Jon is still job hunting and even the ones he's very qualified for haven't resulted in interviews. Steve is happy to be out of the Army but he's still looking for work too. Monday he started going to school evenings. Payless decided they didn't need Aubrey after the holidays so she's also looking.
My work is a bit iffy too, of course - the State is dealing with lots of budget cuts. We just wait to see what happens on the hill. Ken got a job in November with the post office but now they're talking about cutting one day a week and he could lose his job too. Please keep these job and home seekers in your prayers. Thanks
This is where I share RANDOM rants and ruminations, beliefs, lists, dreams, goals, frustrations, bargains, and social injustices (EVAGATION, n. the act of wandering; excursion; a roving or rambling). More about me than you wanted to know. You may not agree with me but I hope you share my belief that what makes America great is freedom to have and express differing views. Enjoy peeking into my public journal if you want to know that part of me I share here. Enjoy!
wow! what a bummer....that is so hard....a friend of mine just got a job at home for Jet Blue...not sure if Jenny is interested in a job, but she said they were hiring? I think it's reservations from home....at least it's something...ugh...good luck.