
Sunday, January 24, 2010


I got a dog.

I'm not sure it was a good idea, though it seemed like it at the time. I've always loved puppies but knew my schedule wouldn't allow for the training involved. I know the kids enjoy dogs, but when Jenn was here it was not possible because of her allergies. Most of my life I've had a dog and it seemed like something was missing. So I found an adult low-allergen shihtzu and on a lark took Emma to go get her. Emma was delighted and the dog loved her. She is well-behaved, potty trained and loves kids. She enjoyed romping in the snow and sleeps in her kennel. Almost perfect as far as dogs go. But, I'm kind of having second thoughts because I really am very busy!

To compound the dilemma, there was a lady on KSL Classifieds looking for an adult female shihtzu to replace hers who died. My kids said I stole her dog.

And her name is a problem. It's Mattie, which of course sounds like Madi when you say it and it just seems wrong to have a dog with the same name as a grandchild. Can you teach a four year old dog to respond to a different name? Thinking about Suki or Sookie (however you want to spell it). I'm reminded that in Japanese Suki is actually pronounced Skyee.

It also turns out the dog wants to befriend Jon and he's not so sure about that. She hasn't tried to get on any furniture or beds, except with Jon. No reason because Jon has mostly ignored the dog, but she seems to have adopted him anyway. Dogs do tend to pick their favorites. Jon's just not so sure he wants to be the favorite here.


  1. Our new puppy is a Shih Tzu. It's a great breed. We love her. I don't know about the name thing. I would think she could learn it if you give her time. Do some googling on re-training. I bet it can be done. And Jon just might start to like being loved on right now even if he's not convinced yet :-)

  2. I agree with Ashli about the dog loving Jon! He probably needs someone who loves him unconditionally as much as anyone right now!

  3. A Japanese name for a Chinese dog??? Hmmmm . . . you could give her a Chinese name that is almost identical to the Japanese one but with a very different spelling and a slightly different pronunciation.

    Just thinking out loud here . . .

    You're right about life forms being a hassle to take care of though. But, God seems to think the pay off is worth the effort.

    YOU need love and companionship . . . even if you think you're above all that. Take if from a dog, even if you can't take if from anyone else.

  4. Wendy Henderson says! Dogs are so comforting Debbie and so loving! And you think you don't have the time? Who does these days? I don't have the health, transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis, two huge back surgeries in the past year, knee surgeries, one arm surgery, three more to come and one more leg surgery and neck and shoulder surgery. I don't know what I would do without Lulu (Lhaso Poo) I have been barely able to walk and have to take her out on a leash to go potty (VA, we don't have fences back here!) I take 9000 mg. of drugs to stop the electrocution of my body since I have no myelin protecting my "wiring" on my spinal cord...I sleep all day and Lulu has been there for me, sleeping with me, she is my pal, she has kept me from jumping from the window at times. I think we need the little pups as much as they need us. Don't get rid of yours! You will be so lonely without HER? JUST ME THINKING OUT LOUD!!


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