In Utah we have an interesting situation. The school sex ed program is for abstinence only. Some other states use comprehensive sex ed programs. I hear almost daily how it's not working (abstinence) and that we should adopt comprehensive. Well, on the other side of the coin, national stats from the CDC indicate STDs are at an all-time high and not teaching abstinence, but rather, "safe sex" is also not working and young people are not learning the consequences of casual sex. They are coming to believe that if they have a condom, anything goes - safely. This just isn't true.
Read the post title to see another viewpoint (not LDS, BTW).
One of the reasons we don't accept the comprehensive approach is because abortion would be included as a birth control method. This is not acceptable. Some believe that teaching kids about contraception will encourage promiscuity. Well, I don't personally subscribe to that idea because they get constant media encouragement for that! But, avoiding abstinence because too many people scoff at it as "impossible" is a mistake. It is, in fact, the only 100% reliable method to avoid both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. In the LDS culture we see it work. Of course people are imperfect and they don't always succeed, but many do! There are also many Christian groups of young people who make pledges to wait for marriage. It is possible and should not be written off.
I think all types of birth control should be taught....different people are going to chose different things...and even Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol that got pregnant made a statement saying teaching abstinence doesn't work...I think it's a touchy subject, and personally I don't worry so much about it because I have already talked to my 9 yr old about some things and will completely educate my kids on all types of birth control...I think the more education the better....if people really believe that by talking about birth control in school will create more interest, they are sooo out of touch as to what's going on in the schools...really....but ultimately, teach your own kids what you want them to know, then really, does it matter what it taught in schools? Some people rely on the schools way to much to teach stuff like this.
ReplyDeleteand all the girls that I knew growing up that got pregnant in high school, came from very conservative homes, where I don't think a word was spoken about sex ed...and created intrigue to these kids....and they were more likely to naively is soo least that's what I think..
I agree. It's not the school's job at all so you have to wonder why all the fuss. If parents just accept their responsibility... schools don't even have time for this anyway with the extensive curriculum.
ReplyDeleteI've just been frustrated because people say to me that abstinence is impossible. It's actually the best option and lots of kids are realizing it so it should not be abandoned. It needs to be taught by parents and others that it is the first and safest option - anything beyond that comes with risks. Many Christian youth groups are taking pledges and it does work when the person is committed.