"Ladies: A rocky relationship may do more than just break your heart.A new University of Utah study shows the more strained a woman's marriage is, the more likely she is to suffer depression - and that can lead to a higher risk for "metabolic syndrome," a group of risk factors for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
And your husbands?
Anger, conflict and hostility can lead to depression for them, too, they reported in questionnaires. But unlike women - and for reasons researchers are still exploring - it doesn't translate into hypertension, obesity around the waistline, high blood sugar, high triglycerides and low levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol.
One explanation for the difference may be chalked up to women's heightened sensitivity to relationship problems - an observation borne out in a growing body of research on marriage and health." (SLTribune)
Click to see the DesNews write-up.
There are admittedly limitations to this study but I suspect a lot of women would say, "amen."
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