
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Editorial - some things to think about

Steve shared this bit of trivia with me (I had never even heard of it): "Today is Square Root Day. It is a very rare day indeed. 2/2/04; 3/03/09; 4/04/16." Natalie will appreciate this one.

I am concerned that part of the universal health care system would require doctors to perform abortions. Taking away our right to live the morals we have and hold dear is un-American. I know pediatricians who refuse to do circumcisions. That is also their right. They also have the right to deny any procedure to which they might be opposed or feel it would be a moral sin. Sex-change operations might be one such surgery I believe a doctor should be free to choose about. I'm all for affordable health care for every American but if it means taking away doctors' moral rights, then once more, a liberal agenda stomps on the rights of the conservative. How can we claim freedom and "rights" for all when we take away the rights to live according to our conscience? Abortion is optional and it should be optional for the provider as well. In China - well, that's another story - but this is America.

I applaud President Obama's desire to get the health care ball rolling, but he can't cross the lines that would force good doctors and nurses out of their fields and discourage those with such morals from entering it in the future. American Family has a plea and petition to stop this insanity. Let your voice be heard for the sake of health care providers. We all want good doctors and other professionals for ourselves and our loved ones. Leaving the profession only in the hands of those with liberal views is wrong and why would you want a life-threatening procedure to be performed by someone whose hands were being forced to do it against their will?


I enjoy Meridian Magazine and there was another good article made that emphasized how we allow Hollywood to determine our world. Click on the post title to read the whole thing but here's the take-home message:

"Let us choose to make and support good entertainment. This means that when something comes along that is completely in line with our values, let us attend the film, purchase the DVD or Blu-Ray or CD or iTunes album or whatever, and if the thing is NOT completely in line with our values, let us NOT attend it, purchase it or support it. Have we really thought about the consequences would be if we did that? Think about it!

Hollywood is not going to make a movie that decries the effects of socialism in our society, such as a film version of “Atlas Shrugged.” But we can.

Hollywood is not going to make a movie celebrating the man who lost his job in a Los Angeles theater company because of his stance on gay marriage. But we can.

Hollywood is not going to make a movie that extols the men and women who fight through tough times to stay married. But we can.

Yes, we can.

Oh, and more importantly, we should.

So… will we?"

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