
Monday, March 16, 2009

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Here's an idea. Regular citizens can give comments and suggestions to cut waste and improve Utah. Some legislators (House speaker, Dave Clark and colleagues) are requesting ideas that can benefit average citizens. If you have something to say click the post title. If you prefer you can send an email to UTAH WASTE BUSTERS

1 comment:

  1. Cool site. Thanks for sharing. I submitted a post that tries to convey to the legislators who set it up that what they will find with this process is a wide range of symptoms, which cannot be treated to solve the underlying problem. A real, meaningful cure must be found and there are disciplines to do just that.

    It will be interesting to see if they contact me as I requested to learn more about it. Someone needs to implement the Theory of Constraints in government. Utah could lead the world in its adoption and experience the phenomenal changes that private industry have seen from its implementation for well over 2 decades.

    - Jon


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