
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Your Money or Your Life

I received a nice letter from one of the authors, acknowledging my "currently reading" book.
Hi there!

I was tickled to see on your blog that you're currently reading "Your Money or Your Life." I hope you like it! We would love it if you would do a review of the book or even maybe interview one of the co-authors. We sincerely believe that our message is so important during these trying economic times and appreciate every opportunity we have to get the word out.

All the best to you and your family

Monique Tilford
Co-author, Your Money or Your Life
It's always fun to see who finds me here and I was honored that she took the time to write a note. It is an important concept, in line with my current goals to get out of debt and redesign my life.


  1. wow! how did she find you? I thought you made this blog private a while back?

  2. I know, but just last week I took it public again since I have friends who want to see it (and it's interesting what comes up on Google search). Since I'm posting most of the kids stuff on the other one now, I decided to try it again. I have my coded email on the sidebar so she emailed me at that address.


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