
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Losing our Governor

I got to shake his hand when we went for the signing of a declaration of Women's Health Week, 2005. Coincidentally it is now Women's Health Week too.
Some of our group with the Governor
He has a photogenic face, not too tall, and I'm sure the Chinese dignitaries find him personable. We did.
Imagine that! President Obama is picking Republican, Utah Mormon Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. to be Ambassador to China. He was rumored to be a potential running mate for McCain and on the short list of President Bush's "possibles" as Ambassador. He is definitely qualified. His LDS mission to Taiwan allowed him to learn Mandarin Chinese, in which he is now fluent. He and his wife adopted a little girl from China and he has served as Ambassador to Singapore.

It's our loss, because he's a great Governor, just starting his second term after an easy re-election. We will have the Leutenant overnor to serve until a special election in 2010. If we can get someone else of his caliber we will be fortunate.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is very fortunate for Utah. The reason Obama picked him is the fact that he is about as liberal as you will find. He has won in Utah so handily because the Utah Republicans don't ever require there governors to actually be conservative. Yet the liberals know he is one of there's so they also vote for him. He is nothing more than a wolf is sheep clothing. I say good riddance and hope for a governor that will stay in Utah and fight to help strengthen the state instead of sell us to the likes of California and Washington DC.


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