"What we have here is another example of a high profile, powerful thinking he is untouchable. This has to be a case of someone feeling his station in life protects him from the consequences of bad behavior.
How else could he justify his behavior other than to think he is exempt from what most consider right and wrong.
I will say this…I’ve been in love and longed for the company of the one I loved. I’ve never been so swept up in it that I allowed it to interfere with or damage those who love me or shirked my responsibility to those dependent on me.
There is something flawed in the character of men like Mark Sanford and the world of politics seems to be a breeding ground for such men lately."
It seems to me that celebritydom breeds people who believe they are above the law, above morals, and above consequences. Reminds me of Brad Paisley's song:
"Celebrity"Someday I'm gonna be famous, do I have talent, well no
These days you don't really need it thanks to reality shows
Can't wait to date a supermodel, can't wait to sue my dad
Can't wait to wreck a Ferrari on my way to rehab
[1st Chorus]
'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
You can act just like a fool
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
I can throw a major fit
When my latte isn't just how I like it
When they say I've gone insane
I'll blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with
Being a celebrity
I'll get to cry to Barbara Walters when things don't go my way
And I'll get community service no matter which law I break
I'll make the supermarket tabloids, they'll write some awful stuff
But the more they run my name down the more my price goes up
[2nd Chorus]
'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
I can fall in and out of love
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
I'll blame it on the fame
And say it's just so tough
Being a celebrity
So let's hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fun and the sun
We'll be real world bachelor jackass millionaires
Hey hey, Hollywood, here we come
[3rd Chorus]
'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
Being a celebrity
Yeah celebrity
Ever since Clinton got away with his public shenanigans, holders of the highest office in the nation can embarrass the citizens and with media exposure, their public display gives credibility to immorality. I realize other presidents were immoral (the same "above the law" mentality) but at least there was discretion and it wasn't flaunted for our children to see.
Today would have been my Grandpa J's birthday and I know he would have been disgusted by what leaders and stars get away with now. May he rest in peace in a place more fair than this world.
I just want to point out that it's not just the men that are the problem. It takes two!