
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Catch up - Where did June go?

Besides record-breaking rain in June, I have been very busy doing things, with little time for writing about them. I finally have a secretary, though she's out sick today, so I spent the last week of the month orienting her to the job.

So, some of my life updates...
  • I bought a tent and went camping (well, sort of - it was at the Manti Pageant, no cooking involved:), I went cemetery hopping and found several stones of ancestors on my dad's side of the family.
  • I also went shopping at a real mall. I had to take a picture of the bag to prove I was there. I don't do this very often.
  • I also attended the singles conference in Orem (my 3rd year so not really unusual). I met some new friends from Preston, Idaho and one from England, reconnected with some I haven't seen since last year (also from Idaho - Burley) and some locals too. I didn't get to attend all the events but those I went to were great. This is how the shopping came about - the conference was right next door to University Mall. This is something I rarely indulge in but Nordstrom was having their half-yearly sale (I think I've gone to one other one before) and I enjoyed it since I wasn't overly extravagant. I bought two outfits - including accessories - and some personal pampering stuff too. Wow! Talk about breaking records! But, no charge cards were involved so I stayed on track.The conference was excellent, as always. I especially enjoyed a session on Abundant Living. I only had a couple of mishaps like locking my keys in my car - again!. Fortunately Orem Police are as nice as Bountiful and they were willing to come to my assistance. The officer was downright cheerful and said he was happy to be able to help me out. I just love public servants who really are. I received help from several friends as well (Steve, Dan, Paul, Chip).
  • I bought a ticket to Japan for later this month, re-committed to my "walking/dancing for health program" and mostly let my house go to pot. I did enjoy the rainy weather - that also gave me an excuse to not pull weeds. But, they've still been growing so that's what I'll be doing this weekend.
So, on to July - I think I'll attend a couple of shows at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, then of course Japan. Throw in the July 23 parade in Bountiful (second largest Days of 47 parade), cul-de-sac of fire on the 4th with Alex's birthday and this month will be gone before I know it as well. August brings the end of the Japan trip, then Education Week. Busy summer!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you get to go to Japan. It's only fair that you get a break since Kathy was gone for the entire month and they didn't replace me until just recently...


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