I have attended one week of his Sunday School class - I am proud to say I have been able to see this master teach, at least once. Sometimes we get to glimpse greatness in humility. A few quotes: (For more click here)
"My testimony to you is that you have come literally 'trailing clouds of glory.' No amount of mortal abuse can quench the divine spark. If you only knew who you are and what you did ... if you knew the latent infinite power that is locked up and hidden for your own good now -- if you knew these things you would never again yield to any of the putdowns that are a dime a dozen in our culture today." (The Highest in Us, p. 12)
"If 'pray always' means vocally, none of us can. But if 'pray always' includes the kind of prayer that is wordless and from the heart, we are getting closer. And if it means even more that we are to be in the spirit of prayer regardless of what we may be doing -- living prayerfully -- then all of us can." (The Highest in Us, p. 82)
"'To be or not to be?' That is not the question. No one can choose to be or not to be . ... What is the question? The question is not one of being, but of becoming. 'To become more or not to become more.' This is the question faced by each intelligence in our universe. At this point, and not before, the absolute and inescapable need for God and His Christ arises." (Eternal Man, p. 31-32)
I love these quotes, especially the first and third. I want to put them on my wall so my kids will read them and remember that I believe them to be true! Thanks for sharing.