
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What kids want vs what they need

Good article about our tendency to spoil our kids. Technology has made it even more expensive to give them what they want. But, should we? Even if we have the money, I'm confident there are better uses for it - i.e. save for their college education, mission, wedding, or whatever. Click on the post title to read the article.


  1. I agree. We all had to pay for our own college education....I think it makes you more accountable for your grades etc...when it's money out of your own pocket.
    I think the biggest problem are the dumb hand held video games..the DS's...I have had to set bigtime limits on those...such as a couple hrs. a they will go outside and play....good ol fashioned free outside play is what kids are missing I think.

  2. I completely agree that kids need more outside free play! I love having my kids in different lessons, but am really looking forward to the summer break when they won't be so scheduled and will have time to play creatively. Once in a while I start thinking maybe a Wii or a DS wouldn't be so bad, but I eventually come to my senses again.

  3. yeah..don't do it Nat...we have both but our kids have to really earn time to play w/them.
    And I am with you...I am hoping to have an open calendar this Summer w/nothing that I HAVE to do....well, at least try to have an open calendar. I know for sure that my kids are taking swimming lessons for one session because they just started them at the pool in Daybreak..and Kai is the only one that's ever had a lesson...however he can swim great...but good to learn the correct way..but besides that two week session we are free! If you ever want to bring your kids down to the pool here or on a boat on the lake call me!
    sorry to hijack your blog Debbie and chat w/ Nat!


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