Jon & Karla are expecting (end of Feb) and Aubrey is having a boy (around Christmas) bringing the grandchild total to 18! Both were surprises - J/K weren't technically trying though anxious for another baby and Aubrey was going for routine first doctor appointment. He did an ultrasound and the baby cooperated. So, it's not the full-blown mid-pregnancy sonogram, but enough to know. Now Aubrey will have a while to adjust to the idea of having THREE (or should I say FOUR?) boys in the house.
- Recreation and Parks Month
- National Baked Beans Month
- National Blueberries Month (my favorite fruit)
- National Ice Cream Month
- Lasagna Awareness Month (what???)
- National Culinary Arts Month
- National Hot Dog Month (In Adam & Noah's honor)
- National Picnic Month (Yes, bring on the ants)
- National Pickle Month
- National Vehicle Theft Protection Month My friend at work just had her car stolen for the SECOND time. Unbelievable!
- National Banana Month
- National Tickling Month (who thinks up these things?
- National Hat Month
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