
Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Justin!

Justin is another middle child who defied the odds - he's great! Here he is with his brothers and his drink of choice.
With his daughter and wife
With Krista (and Jon in the background)
Justin is an expert automotive tech, who would love to do something else if he could find something that paid as well:) He is a strong and outspoken conservative who believes in the fundamentals of the Constitution and free enterprise. He likes to shoot and believes strongly in the right to bear arms and protect his family in this chaotic world, but he's responsible about it. Let's hope he never needs it. He went Elk hunting with his grandpa this year and almost got one - he tracked it, scoped it out and was waiting to see antlers to be sure it wasn't a cow (not to be confused with bovine). A fellow hunter got if first. Maybe next year...

It's appropriate that he would have an October birthday. Halloween is his favorite holiday! We love you Justin.

My hasty postings in my busy life definitely don't do justice to my great kids. Nat reminded me of many great qualities about Justin and I had completely forgotten to mention his hobby as an aquarium/fish collector/specialist...what is the word? He has even built beautiful aquariums for his home. He has also become something of a home improvement expert/builder and hard worker in everything he does. Thanks to Nat for her comments here. I just don't convey all that is in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Justin has turned out to be one of the most stable people in our family! He is (and has always been) a really hard worker - a quality becoming more and more scarce. He shares his talents with others and his love of fish has been contagious to other males in our family. His knowledge of auto mechanics has benefited every person in our family and countless strangers. It is WONDERFUL to have a mechanic you trust! He is also a dedicated husband and father.


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