
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Evita - Argentina's Pride

To hear it you may need to pause the playlist on the top right sidebar.

Natalie and I enjoyed Evita at Rodger's Memorial Theater last week. I was impressed by how timely this story is for America today. Peronism sounded a lot like Obamism (and the unemployment rate continued to rise to 10.2 percent, up from 9.8 percent in September, the highest level since 1983). When the people are down, they hunger for someone who is beautiful, who talks smoothly, makes promises beyond what is real and lulls them into the concept of change - any change - they think it will be better than what they have. In times of economic recession and depression we are vulnerable in many ways. Much good can come of change but we still need to be careful that it's the right change. And, there will be supporters and detractors. It was said that when Eva Peron died, there were sounds of weeping and corks popping. Like most politicians and leaders she had her adoring crowd and critics who hated her or considered her more self-serving than selfless. She worked for the poor, but dressed lavishly herself. Interesting dichotomy. I do believe you can't have backbone and not offend someone!

The production we saw was outstanding. It is not an easy show but the costumes, sets and talent were all superb! Davis County is building a new arts center with a fantastic theater to open in 2011 and I'm very excited. I love local theater. Ralph's dream has been fulfilled and they have outgrown the little theater he started. I hope they will include some remembrance of him when they build the new one and that they don't forget their roots and that they honor him with some sort of acknowledgment for bringing quality local theater to Davis County. Maybe they could name a section after him, like how Hale has the "Black Box" perhaps this one can have the RGR Memorial Rehearsal Hall, or small theater within the theater named for him.

1 comment:

  1. Hitler also rose to power by promissing "change to people in the midst of post-war blight and the effects of the 1929-'30's Great Depression.

    History is replete with examples of leaders who promised "change" that sounded good but turned out to be evil. Julius Caesar destroyed the Roman Republic and replaced it with a dictatorship through the same process.


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