
Friday, November 6, 2009

Daily Chores

A fellow blogger-mom (In-a-shoe) posted her children's chore assignments. She is currently expecting her 10th child and by necessity must be diligent in organizing the family. I have noticed that these days many families have forgotten this once-considered-normal activity. They spoil their entitled children who only work when they feel like it or when they are bribed. Well, I could go on, but this is how they do it in their large family which includes barnyard animals (chickens) and dogs they breed. I was reminded of my daughter, Natalie's blog entry on this subject (teaching children to work and be responsible). It has certainly paid dividends for her and she admits sometimes it's harder to teach the children than to do it yourself but so worth it! There is a window of opportunity for teaching children responsibility. If that window is missed, it becomes much harder (and some adults never learn it).

I hope she's OK with me reposting here with credits:) Here's Kim's list:
  • Deanna (16yo): clean & straighten living room; plan and cook dinner; rinse dinner dishes; iron
  • Kaitlyn (14yo): burn trash; clean & straighten dining room; put away clean dishes; iron
  • Lydia (13yo): Lydia has requested all outdoor and animal duties: feed & water animals (chickens, dogs, cat); keep yard picked up; take out compost; "first shift" on dinner dishes (clear & wipe counters, put away leftovers, set up coffee for following morning); iron
  • Megan (11yo): clean & straighten bathroom and kitchen; wash dinner dishes; iron
  • Natalie (9yo) & Becca (8yo): hang all laundry to dry; sort and fold dry laundry, put away towels and diapers; clean & straighten laundry room; breakfast & lunch dishes; clear & wipe table after dinner.
  • Rachael (5yo): clean and straighten deck (under Lydia's supervision); help clear table after dinner.
  • Perry (3yo): empty small trash cans in bedrooms.
In addition the children help with preparing meals. Deanna plans and makes the main dish; the others often help with the rest, make breakfast, etc. Now, I hope she posts more about how she enforces it all. She reports that stating, "It's not my job" is a capital offense in their home. More power to her! One day they will thank her... (OK, she shouldn't hold her breath).

(Visit Kim's other site about frugal living here)

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