
Friday, December 25, 2009

From my house to yours...

We have a Christmas Eve party and hold it at our church where we can actually fit. The kids were playing in the adjoining classroom, which happens to be the room where I teach Sunday School (apparently I had left a picture on the board). The kids "wrote" a note on the chalkboard with the eraser. We found it when we were cleaning up after the party and we don't know which of the cousins wrote it but it was so cute! They have all missed these girls. We're also missing Chris's family and pray this might be the last year they are in Japan for Christmas. At least we know they plan to come back home!

The girls arrive after their bedtime tonight and Karla made reservations to leave New Year's day morning, so technically Jon only gets 6 days with them, after 5 months! There is major excitement and we're postponing our Christmas gathering and gift-opening at my house until tomorrow morning. Krista volunteered to do omelets - everyone is very excited - almost enough to overcome the recent emotional trauma for a minute.

Christmas cards didn't get mailed (stamps in my purse), letter hasn't been written (glad you're reading my blog). Actually I don't even know where to begin...

1 comment:

  1. So cute! It could have been any of the kids - they all are so enthusiastic for her arrival!


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