
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Condensed version of Seven Habits

If you don't have time to read the book, check out this website. Of course if you're Delilah you won't be interested because she thinks anything written by a "Mormon" is not worth reading - in fact, it is so harmful she had to pull her children from a school which used the principles to help the kids succeed. The principles here have helped many people in all walks of life. If my kids were in a school that taught this, I'd be thrilled, even if he wasn't of the same religion as me.

In fact, I rarely know the religion of most of the writers and speakers I learn from. What is Delilah's problem? I just don't understand because I would not refuse to read something written by a Jewish person (in fact Belva Plain is one of my favorite fiction authors). That would be foolish. Anyway she went down a notch in my book and I won't feel so warm and fuzzy when I hear her on the radio. I don't listen that much anyway since she's kind of cheesy, but now, when I hear her melodic voice, I will think differently about her views on life and love.


  1. Who is this Delilah person you're talking about? Is this a comment I missed?

  2. Oh, sorry. She's a nationally syndicated radio host at night - we get it in Utah at 106.5. She pulled her kids from school when she discovered they were teaching The Seven Habits based on Stephen Covey's book because it was written by a Mormon and therefore strayed from the Christian school's biblical focus and that it was teaching "veiled Mormonism" - as if Mormons had the edge on that information, which is mostly common sense principles for success in life.

  3. LOL! OK, I was seriously so confused. I thought she was a family member or friend I was supposed to know when I first read that. Now that I read that knowing that, it makes more sense. Sorry :-) Just for the record, that sounds silly. I think our professors teach Covey in business courses at Evangel.

  4. Right. What kind of education would we get if we restricted it so much?

  5. I couldn't agree more that restricting what we read (or principles we allow our children to be taught) based on the religion of the teacher is just ridiculous. Of course, I wouldn't want someone of a different religion teaching Mormon doctrine to me or my kids without believing him or herself, but when it comes to things like this it just shows how ignorant and prejudiced a person can be.


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