
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Got milk?

What does the "expiration date" really mean? For years I've been telling my kids that it's a "pull date" not an "expiration date" meaning it's a "sell by date" but they don't really trust me. I mean I'm a nurse for heaven's sake; not a grocer or dairy farmer - what do I know? Read here for more (from a qualified source).

Also, I worked with someone a few years back whose husband was a bigwig at Meadow Gold Dairy and he told her, (who told me and I told my kids) that milk is usually still good for almost two weeks after the pull date. Milk not yet sold by that date can be sent to food banks for safe consumption. I like to check out the "sell fast" section in the dairy case for some really good savings. The peak quality and flavor is what they target in deciding the "expiration"; not thd day it will turn sour, but a lot depends on storage - kept in a cool refrigerator it will likely still be good for a while. When in doubt, give it the sniff test.

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