Religion and politics - good topics for lively discussion, even in social networking. In fact it's big on Facebook and other sites. I believe it is healthy overall and people who complain about differing viewpoints are pretty juvenile. I've noticed they rant and rave about people having "temper tantrums" over issues, then they proceed to do the same. Kind of ironic.
Read a perspective here.
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That was a good article. Thanks for sharing it. I think you're right -- debate is a lot of fun for some people. But it is so strange when people blame others for having opinions and call it a tantrum, or worse. One of my pet peeves is when people call others "haters" because they have a dissenting opinion. I see that a lot in political debate. It's very easy to throw the word "hate" in someone's face when they have expressed an opinion or ideology that they disagree with. It's far more difficult to rationally provide a valid, respectful reason that you disagree. I wish the word hate could be banned from political debate. I know that I will not listen to the argument of anyone who uses the word hate or hater in reference to an other person and their opinion. Also, to express that just because someone expressed their opinion on a given matter they must think they "know it all." Just because you think something doesn't mean you have the audacity to know it all. These are just tactics to tear down one another and avoid talking about facts.