
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hope and Peace in Troubled Times

I have to agree with Dr. Elia of Mormon Times:

"I don't know if these are the "last days," but I do know these are troubled times.

Everywhere I look, I see pain, suffering, anger, betrayal, and most of all fear! Lots and lots of fear."

I think the betrayal has been the hardest for me to handle, especially from people you thought you could trust - those I have loved and served to the best of my ability.  Was I perfect?  Absolutely not.  But did I deserve the betrayal?  Of course not.  But, neither has anyone in that situation.  What I hate is becoming somewhat cynical about people as a result.  I so prefer to trust my fellow man (and woman).  What hurts even more is for those I love to believe I betrayed them by being me.  I guess this makes me realize that at least sometimes the betrayal is innocent at least.  I'll try to remember that and stay a little more positive.

I liked this statement too: 
"Remember that listening respectfully does not mean that we necessarily agree with others' beliefs or political systems, it just helps us to builds bridges to understanding instead of brick walls to shut others out."
I found a book to add to my "to-read" list.  The Last Days is one of them.

Right now I need to focus on Conference thoughts.  It's the time of year for me to clean out, dejunk, check the smoke detector batteries, finally make up the 72 hour kits, take inventory of food storage, recharge my spiritual self, relax and recommit.  I'm going to try.  I even hope to finally assemble that 72 hour kit that's scattered all over the house and garage.

Amen to Dr. Elia's words, "May God bless us all with patience, forgiveness and love."

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