At the end of the day the front of the house was finished.
Beautiful! (Jon did the panarama)
Noah and Grandpa
Fred and Adam
These father-son projects are very cool! Jon is taking the photos so we haven't been able to get him in here but today is a four-man operation (oops, math was never my forte).
This is where I share RANDOM rants and ruminations, beliefs, lists, dreams, goals, frustrations, bargains, and social injustices (EVAGATION, n. the act of wandering; excursion; a roving or rambling). More about me than you wanted to know. You may not agree with me but I hope you share my belief that what makes America great is freedom to have and express differing views. Enjoy peeking into my public journal if you want to know that part of me I share here. Enjoy!
Dad + Fred + Adam + Noah + Jon = 5 :)