
Friday, September 9, 2011

This year's concert splurge

I treated myself to the Lea Salonga concert.  I was not disappointed!  She is amazing!  Her talent is incredible but her personality on stage was even better.  I loved her sincerity, humility, gratitude and love for people.  She also shared a longer version of Reflection from Mulan and she has recorded a cut song from Miss Saigon, Too Much for One Heart.  It fits so perfectly I'm sorry it was cut.

Lea is now 40 but she started her career as a child. She performed in theater in the Phillipines - King and I at age 7, Lead, Annie at age 9.  In this audition (below) for Miss Saigon she was 17-18. Age 18 when she moved to London (on Drury Lane) to perform opposite a male romantic lead 10 years her senior.  She tells how she had never had a boyfriend or been properly kissed when she played Kim and had to learn to do a passionate love scene, while singing.  She has a great story to go with this.  The first time I saw this, after falling in love with Miss Saigon, the video blew me away!

Final auditions:

Andrew Lloyd Webber medley:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow-- what a gift she has; I am so glad you went! If Adam and I hadn't just had the opportunity to attend the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, I would have HAD to go too. It's very like that Erastmus quote, something about 'whenever I have money I buy books; if there's any left after that I buy food and clothes'. What's the point of other nice things without inspiring arts (and other classics) that nourish your soul, and give meaning to the rest??


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