
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Technical Difficulties

I still have not been able to get my PDA working. It appears to be a problem with the Palm unit - it's the basic E series, not the Treo and it has been trouble since the day I got it in November. Of course Palm won't cover it because it has passed its warranty period of 90 days, even though it has never worked and everyone in the building has tried to figure it out and fix the problem. It appears Palm isn't supporting the software - no patches or updates. Anyway, our IT support came back today and they are giving it one last-ditch effort. So, my advice is, don't waste your money on a Palm unless you upgrade to something nice.

Even then, the way they support this unit makes me mistrust them for the nicer one too. Maybe a Blackberry or something would be worth investing in.... It's a great concept when it actually works. I may have to go back to a paper calendar or Franklin planner.

So, other than that it's been a pretty good day so far. It's very warm and we're heading towards another hot weekend. After playing last week, I have plenty to do on Saturday.

I'm enjoying some new CDs. I like music much more than TV. I got a Peter Breinholt and a David Tolk CD, plus one more Brad Paisley though I don't like most of it - bought it for "Ticks." I do love country music because they sing about EVERYTHING!

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