How to Help Pass Proposition 8—California's Marriage Protection Amendment that Affects the Entire Nation
By Gary Lawrence
As is now well known in Mormondom, on June 29, the First Presidency asked Church leaders in California to read a special letter in sacrament meetings. Members heard this request:
We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment [Proposition 8] by donating of your means and time to assure that marriage in California is legally defined as being between a man and a woman.
It wasn't only Californians who stood up. As the news spread, we have received many inquiries from people in almost every state, including from those of other faiths, about how they can participate to pass this crucial amendment.
For background on why this amendment is so important and the impact it will have on religious freedom and marriage, click here.
Because the fate of Proposition 8 will affect the entire nation, we need people from any and all states to join with us to contact personally every registered voter in California. We need 800 calling teams – people in groups of 5 or 10 – who will call California voters and tell them how much this issue means to the future of America. We are currently knocking on doors and making phone calls to identify our voters and our potential voters, and then there will be phone calls to provide more information, and finally calls to get out the vote. There's much work to be done between now and November 4.
While we and other churches are mobilizing thousands to walk precincts, you can help us from the comfort of your homes. If you use a cellphone, most plans allow unlimited weekend calling minutes, and if you live in the Eastern or Central time zones, you can use free late-evening minutes on weekdays to call when Californians have just finished dinner.
We need your help. It is not difficult and we will give you very specific instructions. If you are willing to put together one of these 800 calling teams, please provide your contact information, including email, address and phone number to Family Leader's executive director, Peter Knobloch at and we will contact you to give you further information.
Gary Lawrence
California LDS Grassroots Director
800 Teams for Proposition 8
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