Five Good Deeds!
Karla, Jon & Jenn - taking photos at the party

Aubrey called yesterday to tell me I raised my son right. (Nice to get credit for something good they do). She was very ill but her job is a pain because they refused to accept her sick call, saying if she was going to miss work she would need to get on the phone and call other Payless stores to find someone who could work for her. She was in a bad way and that was harder to do than going in so she went to work (exposing the public to her very bad cold!). She called her brother, Jon, for help when the school called her because nobody had picked up Josh from school (oh, the joys of daycare). He fetched Josh (deed # 1) and then showed up at her work with lunch and Oreos (deed # 2), O.J. & chocolate milk (deed # 3) Airborne (deed # 4), cold medicine and Tylenol (deed # 5).
It was a dream come true because this store also doesn't cover her for breaks and she works alone most of the time. They have had her work 8 - 9 hours without a break at all. She can't even go to the lady's room in back because there is nobody out front. She REALLY needs to find another job! So, if anyone has a suggestion - south Weber/north Davis county areas would be ideal - let us know.
We also appreciate Jon taking the family photos - a bonus good deed for Christmas.
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